Photos from the 1940s


USS McCaffery - Shanghai - January 1,1947
DesDiv221 - San Diego - June,1949

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Paul Conley Plaque
Paul Conley - 1945
Thomas Hubble - 1945
Thomas Hubble - 1947
William Warren Goe - 1947
Edward A."Red" Felli - Shanghai - 1946
Edward A."Red" Felli - 1946
Silvo Spalone - 1946
Goode - 1946
Weir - Hawaii - 1946
Tommie Pope - 1946
Eugene Sweat - 1946
San Pedro - California - 1945
Shilling & Grady - 1945
crewmembers - 1946
Drydock - Shanghai - 1946
Drydock - Shanghai - 1946
Drydock - Shanghai - 1946
Shanghai - 1946
Shanghai - 1946
Gunnery exercise - 1945
Robert Hood & Ray Basic - 1945
Robert Hood - 1945
Ensign David Putnam - 1945
Radar crew - 1945

- Radar crew -

Irvin Schlag, Larry Bruner, Larry Gaunt
Leland Skelton, Robert King, Fred Hammond
Jack Moore, Ray Shve, Jack Deynes
L.J. scott, Tom Leftwich, Jack Calkins
Wayne Hendrie, Norm Dakan

Engine Room crew - 1946